Terms of Use

Please read these Terms of Use prior to using this website as your use of this website acknowledges that you, the user/site visitor have read and agree to these Terms of Use. These Terms of Use are subject to change at any time without notice to you, the user. Please revisit this section and review periodically for updates.

Copyright Notice
The content of this website is owned by Biamo, including all graphics, logos, images and text. No part of this website may be used in any manner without the prior consent of Biamo.

Trademark Notice
The Biamo symbol is a trademark owned by Biamo. All other symbols, trade names or words identifying other products or services are the property of their respective owners.

Account Use
If you register for an account on this website, you are responsible for all activity transpiring under that account. It is your responsibility to protect access to your account and to your password, and Biamo may cancel orders, refuse service or terminate accounts at its discretion.

Email Use
We may use your email information to inform you of any new products or specials we may offer, but this activity will be of a limited nature. By you providing your e-mail you are giving us your permission to do so. You will have the option to unsubscribe.

Limitation of Liability
This website is made available to the user "As Is" and "As Available". Biamo and any third-party data providers to not offer any warranty or any kind, including express or implied warranties of merchantability, non-infringement of third party rights, or fitness for a particular purpose. Biamo does not warrant that the site is free from viruses or harmful code. Biamo and its third-party data providers are not liable for any problems caused by incompatibility between the website and the user’s programs, or for any delays, viruses or defects due to causes beyond Biamo’ control.

From time to time access to the website may be delayed, limited, slow or unavailable due to a variety of circumstances including system damage, physical damage, hardware or software failure, power interruption, regulatory issues, or other causes.

Biamo and third-party data providers make every effort to offer complete, timely and accurate information on our website, and disclaim liability for errors or omissions in the information provided. Product pricing, descriptions, and shipping information are subject to change at any time and may vary among different regions and customer types.

In the event that your jurisdiction is subject to laws that do not permit warranty limitations or exclusions, you may be entitled to additional rights.

Additional Policies
Separate policies are available for review on our website and are included as part of this Terms of Use section. These policies include our Privacy Policy, our Shipping Policy and our Return Policy. By your use of this website, you acknowledge your agreement with these policies.

Notice of Buyer Responsibility
Due to rapidly changing laws and regulations, we cannot be responsible for the use of this product by any particular purchaser. It is the responsibility of the purchaser to determine which products are legal in any given area.